Monday, October 5, 2009

they were all. {dreaming}

Autumn has begun, and I've made it through my first two weeks of classes. It's rough, but it could be worse. Actually, I have a feeling it WILL get worse as the quarter drags on. I'm worried about my math. Since that seems to always be the only thing that holds me back. I'm going to try my best, hopefully make it through 72 so I can move on to 99, and suffer some more xD Once I get out of 99, I'll have one more math unit to accomplish, and then never again will I have to worry about the subject. That's a day I'm looking forward to.

The days are getting colder and colder. I'm finding it more difficult to make myself get out of bed at 5:30 each morning, lol. The blankets are so amazing and warm, I'd rather just sink further into them than have to get up and face the world. So metaphorical, but it's true!

My editing, as expected, has slowed. It's hard to find time and motivation to sit down and work on something! Nonetheless, I've completed a birthday video for 3 friends from SSP, which I'm hoping they'll enjoy. I have plans to finish my technicolor project, as well as a possible Halloween video I would like to start on. I love the idea, it's so bomb. But I need to finish watching some animes first before I start on it. The project might be late for Halloween, if I do it at all. I'm almost tempted to ask collab with me on it? It's such a killer idea. It must be brought to life!!

My birthday is in 10 days. How the heck did that happen so fast?! I'm so old and decrepit, in my prime. Idk what I'll be doing for my birthday... possibly nothing. Most of my friends have gone back to their Uni's now, and the ones I have here are busy, partying and not having to suffer through math like me lol. So more than likely, I'll just go out for dinner and maybe skip school that day lol. Oh joy.
I want to have an ice cream cake hand crafted for me, and have a smexy guy take me to the Space Needle for dinner and dance with me under the stars!! xD Anyone up for the clubs too?
Ok, I'm done.

There was no compition for the feat.

Which reminds me I haven't updated this thing in 2 weeks, so here's another that you MUST watch: [Soulmate]. Lovely creation by aoisenshi9 for Yor's bday.

Well, today will more than likely be spent studying for my math test tomorrow. First one of the quarter...rapture. At least I don’t have classes on Mondays. Gives me time to pick up the pieces.

Much love <3