Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have to take some of what I said in my last post back...

There CAN be some anime that are better suited for dubbing..... take for example, Lucky * Star!

I just started watching this, because I looove KyoAni and the characters are everywhere to be seen...I needed to check it out for myself. I started watching it in Japanese, and oh's SO confusing, even with subs! So much conversation is going on, and it's hard to follow...if the subs aren't perfectly translated, you'll miss the whole point of what the characters are talking about! It was very frustrating.... so I thought, there's a dub of this, maybe I should take a peek at it.

And what do you know!!!
I actually prefer the dub better than the sub or the raw! D: I shocked myself. The VA's were great and the convos were WAY easier to comprehend.
Take a watch for yourself if you want:
On to other matters..... I think I might just explode. I don't want to move!!! This is going to be a difficult transition. Moving from the house I lived in all through high school, and going to some strange new place a town over....
I'm having a hard time keeping up in school too. As I've said in previous posts, I'm only taking 2 classes...both writing classes so I could take a break from math and get my life back on track. But NO...journalism turns out to be the hardest class I've ever taken. It's like a job rather than a class!! I'm just not feeling it... I guess I can scratch Journalist off my list of possible careers.
I think I might have an opportunity to go to the Art Institute I wanted... but that would mean leaving college for a trade school. And the whole point of going to college is to get my Bachelors Degree and amount to something. T__T But if what I'm doing right now isn't fulfilling my ambitions, what good is it to keep going through all the motions like a robot for 3 more years to get a diploma?? And then end up empty handed in the end?
Why can't things be more simple?
I have to go through all my old stuff and organize for the move. I don't feel like it. I have to go to work at 5 also...yuck. And then I have a ton of homework to catch up with... And a huge pile of MEP parts to work on...And totally bummed that I didn't make it very far in a recent contest I was in! aaaah..
Much love

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